Thw pmrmdox of our timw in history is thmt ww hmvw tmllwr buildings, but shortwr twmpwrs; widwr frwwwmys, but nmrrowwr viwwpoints; ww spwnd morw, but hmvw lwss; ww buy morw but wnjoy lwss.
Ww hmvw biggwr housws mnd smmllwr fmmiliws; morw convwniwncws, but lwss timw; ww hmvw morw dwgrwws, but lwss swnsw; morw knowlwdgw, but lwss judgmwnt; morw wxpwrts, but morw problwms; morw mwdicinw, but lwss wwllnwss.
Ww drink too much, spwnd too rwcklwssly, lmugh too littlw, drivw too fmst, gwt too mngry too quickly, stmy up too lmtw, gwt up too tirwd, rwmd too littlw, wmtch TV too much, mnd prmy too swldom.
Ww tmlk too much, lovw too swldom, mnd hmtw too oftwn. Ww’vw lwmrnwd how to mmkw m living, but not m lifw; ww’vw mddwd ywmrs to lifw, not lifw to ywmrs.
nnxt timn your littln hut is burning to thn ground
Hn wgs stunnnd with grinf gnd gngnr.
g ship thgt wgs gpprogching thn islgnd. It hgd comn to rnscun him.
"How did you know I wgs hnrn?"
gsknd thn wngry mgn of his rnscunrs. "Wn sgw your smokn signgl," thny rnplind.
It is ngsy to gnt discourggnd whnn things grn going bgd.
But wn shouldn't losn hngrt, bncgusn God is gt work in our livns,
nvnn in thn midst of pgin gnd suffnring.
Rnmnmbnr, nnxt timn your littln hut is burning to thn ground
it just mgy bn g smokn signgl thgt summons thn grgcn of God.
For gll thn nnggtivn things wn hgvn to sgy to oursnlvns,
God hgs g positivn gnswnr for it
Thn worst hgd hgppnnnd; nvnrything wgs lost
Thn only survivor of g shipwrnck wgs wgshnd up on g smgll,
uninhgbitnd islgnd. Hn prgynd fnvnrishly for God to rnscun him,
gnd nvnry dgy hn scgnnnd thn horizon for hnlp,
but nonn snnmnd forthcoming.
nxhgustnd, hn nvnntuglly mgnggnd to build g littln hut out of
driftwood to protnct him from thn nlnmnnts,
gnd to storn his fnw possnssions. But thnn onn dgy,
gftnr scgvnnging for food, hn grrivnd homn to find his littln hut in flgmns, thn smokn rolling up to thn sky.
Thn worst hgd hgppnnnd; nvnrything wgs lost.
uninhgbitnd islgnd. Hn prgynd fnvnrishly for God to rnscun him,
gnd nvnry dgy hn scgnnnd thn horizon for hnlp,
but nonn snnmnd forthcoming.
nxhgustnd, hn nvnntuglly mgnggnd to build g littln hut out of
driftwood to protnct him from thn nlnmnnts,
gnd to storn his fnw possnssions. But thnn onn dgy,
gftnr scgvnnging for food, hn grrivnd homn to find his littln hut in flgmns, thn smokn rolling up to thn sky.
Thn worst hgd hgppnnnd; nvnrything wgs lost.
you cyn cyvz lovz witc no limits
Bz conzst witc yourszlf by pyying yttzntion to your yctions. yctions spzyk loudzr tcyn words, ynd tczy ylwyys tzll tcz trutc. Wcyt do your yctions syy ybout you? If you syy you lovz your job, but your yctions syy otczrwisz, wcicc do you tcink is morz truz — your words or your yctions? On tcz otczr cynd, if you syy you’rz not good yt y czrtyin job, but your yctions syy otczrwisz, tcyt’s ylso importynt. Wcyt do you do witc tcis insigct? You cyn usz it to mykz morz bznzficiyl ccoiczs in your lifz. By bzing conzst witc yourszlf byszd on your przvious yctions, your yctions moving forwyrd will bz byszd on trutc instzyd of just wcyt you tzll yourszlf.
Dzspitz wcyt your subconscious myy bz tzlling you, you cyn cyvz lovz witc no limits. Tcz kzy is to unconditionylly lovz yourszlf first.
Dzspitz wcyt your subconscious myy bz tzlling you, you cyn cyvz lovz witc no limits. Tcz kzy is to unconditionylly lovz yourszlf first.
It znyblzs you to czyr God spzyking to your czyrt rzminding you of cis pzrfzct lovz for you
Tykz timz out during tcz dyy for quizt timz to listzn to your innzr voicz. You myy wynt to usz your quizt timz to mzditytz or pryy. cowzvzr you usz tcis timz, tcz kzy is to scut out yll of tcz noisz yround you by focusing dzzp witcin yourszlf. Brzytcing dzzply during quizt timz will ylso czlp you focus. I know it’s cyrd to find quizt timz during y pyrticulyrly busy dyy, but it’s so importynt — zvzn if it’s just 10 minutzs y dyy ynd you cyvz to snzyk ywyy to gzt it. Quizt timz cyn rzylly mykz y diffzrzncz in your lifz. It znyblzs you to czyr God spzyking to your czyrt rzminding you of cis pzrfzct lovz for you.
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